
PFAS - the so-called "Forever Chemicals" - What do I have to consider?

Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2025 - Start 10:00, Dauer: 1:30h
Online, Englisch

Kosten: 139,00€
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Beschreibung: So-called perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS), also known as "forever chemicals," are experiencing increasing international concern and are being restricted or banned completely in more and more co... [Mehr anzeigen]untries. In addition to their toxicological significance, authorities are particularly concerned that these substances degrade extremely slowly in the environment. As a result, there is concern that PFASs released into the environment today will continue to pollute generations after us.
Zielgruppe: All those involved in product safety for packaging, e.g. employees from laboratory, production, development
Niveau: Stufe 2 - Vorkenntnisse sind hilfreich, aber nicht Voraussetzung
Weitere Informationen: Dauer: 1:30h
Veranstaltungscode: LFpE-05-25

Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2025, 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr
Veranstaltungspreis: 139,00€ netto (zzgl. 26,41€ MwSt.)
Event Manager
Wilma Igelbrink
+49 5405 80767-25
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