Components of a blown film extrusion line and its functions
Dienstag, 13. Mai 2025 - Start 10:00, Dauer: 2:00h
Beschreibung: |
The blown film extrusion process probably plays the most important role in the production of packaging films. It is often the process of choice for polyethylene in particular. Learn more abou... [Mehr anzeigen]t the individual machines and automation components in this web seminar. The influence of each component on the films is also discussed. This web seminar is suitable for career changers as well as for purchasers who want to discuss issues at eye level and as internal training for machine operators. |
Zielgruppe: | Employees from production, development, technology, design, QA, technical purchasing and sales |
Niveau: | Stufe 2 - Vorkenntnisse sind hilfreich, aber nicht Voraussetzung |
Weitere Informationen: |
Dauer: 2:00h |
Veranstaltungscode: | EXbE-05-25 |
Zeiten: |
Dienstag, 13. Mai 2025, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr |
Veranstaltungspreis: | 165,00€ netto (zzgl. 31,35€ MwSt.) |