
Sustainability, Flexpack & Brand - How does that fit together?

Freitag, 16. September 2022 - Start 13:30, Dauer: 2:00h
Online, Englisch

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Beschreibung: Global companies in particular have had sustainability on their agenda for years. They often set ambitious targets. Why do brands do this and what role does packaging play in this? How do brands rate ... [Mehr anzeigen]Flexpack and what are the alternatives?
We talk to experts and discuss with the Innoform community.
Zielgruppe: Decision-makers along the labels and flexpack supply chain and anyone who wants to find out more about flexpack in terms of technology and strategy.
Niveau: Stufe 3 - Vorkenntnisse sind sinnvoll
Weitere Informationen: Dauer: 2:00h
Veranstaltungscode: INE-09-22

Freitag, 16. September 2022, 13:30 - 15:30 Uhr
Aussteller: Treffen Sie diese Unternehmen in der Ausstellung:
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Event Manager
Kerstin Schröder-Welge
+49 5405 80767-20
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