
Sterilisierbare Folienverpackungen für Lebensmittel

Wednesday, 11. / Thursday, 12. June 2008 - Start 8:45, Duration: 16:15h (within 2 days)
2-day event

Cost: 1.390,00€
Register now

Zum Teil Lückenfüller als Referenten, wenig Inhaltlich interessantes!

June 2008 (SF-06-08)

Peter Schuster
Hilcona AG

General spot information

The event for interesting in getting information about partecipating companies and main criticalities of this technology.
My suggestion is to better focus on a peculiar topics and reduce general information.
Involved lecturers shoud than contribute to inform about the peculiar topic of the event.

June 2008 (SF-06-08)

Mauro Merico
Alcan Packaging Italia S.r.l.
Event Manager
Kerstin Schröder-Welge
+49 5405 80767-20
Send email


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