List of speakers for food packaging

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Speaker details

Jonathan Fowle
Innovati (Director)
+44 1749 344961
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Jonathan has spent 35 years in the plastics packaging industry, more than 20 at a senior management level.

He has worked for many leading flexible packaging companies. His last major role was Group Innovation Director for Amcor Flexibles where he steered the company's successful development in retort Stand Up Pouches.

In 2004 Jonathan Fowle established his own consultancy business, innovati. He has an extensive global network and continues to travel widely to keep abreast of trends and developments in the packaging industry.

Major assignments for senior managements of various clients include acquisitions, strategic development, sourcing strategy and innovation projects.

Jonathan is involved in many training activities and participates with the European Plastics Federation at various roadshows.

Jonathan Fowle holds an honours degree in Economics & Administration and is a graduate member of the Institute of Marketing.