Referentenverzeichnis zu Lebensmittelverpackungen

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Didier Houssier
EVAL Europe N.V. (Kuraray) (Global Business Development Manager ; Product Steward Coordinator)
+32 3 250-9751 /
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EVAL™ EVOH resins in thermoforming applications – from wet to dry food packaging
Download: EVALT EVOH resins in thermoforming applications...
Umfang: 26 Seiten
Tagung: SP-10-11
Grösse: 1.59 mB
Sprache: deutsch
EVOH resins are commercially used in numerous food and non-food packaging applications in thermoformed structures. Material selection and combination enable to satisfy stringent market needs to reach long preservation of packaged goods. Depending on the industry needs, the design of the packaging can be adapted. The lecture will review technical parameters influencing this design and illustrate the impact of the material performances.