
You have searched for web seminars. We offer two formats- Live and Instant. Both formats are characterised by particularly compact and focused content.

Live web seminars are live events optimised for the online format. They are presentations with question opportunities and short discussions.

The instant web seminars are edited recordings of these live events or specially recorded content that can be accessed directly at any time. They are characterised by a particularly high density of facts.

Web seminars and instant web seminars also include video recording and PDF downloads of the documents as well as certificates of participation.

Our Webinars at a glance

Fehlerbilder in der Blasenfolienextrusion Code: EXc-09-24
Tuesday, 24. September 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Mechanische Folienprüfungen 2 - Dynamische Verfahren Code: MPb-09-24
Wednesday, 25. September 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Einstieg Kaschier-/ Barriere- und Druckträgerfolien - Grundlagen Verpackungsfolien Teil D Code: GFd-10-24
Tuesday, 1. October 2024 - 10:30
City: Online
Japan Food Sanitation Act - Einführung und Systematik Code: LFj-10-24
Monday, 7. October 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Lebensmittelrecht: Einstieg in die rechtlichen Anforderungen Code: LFa-10-24
Thursday, 10. October 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Barrierefolien Teil 1: Barrierematerialien - Ein detaillierter Überblick Code: BVa-10-24
Tuesday, 15. October 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Problemloser Versand von schweren Industriegütern - Crashkurs Code: SVb-10-24
Monday, 21. October 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Die neue EU-Verordnung über Verpackungen und Verpackungsabfälle (PPWR) Code: LFu-10-24
Tuesday, 22. October 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Dichtigkeitsprüfungen, Siegeln und Verarbeitung von Barrierefolien(verpackungen) - Barrierefolien Teil 4 Code: BVd-10-24
Friday, 25. October 2024 - 10:30
City: Online
Vom Gelben Sack zum Rezyklat - Wie aus Verpackungsabfällen Qualitäts-Rohstoffe werden Code: RCc-10-24
Monday, 28. October 2024 - 10:00
City: Online
Overview of events
1 - 10 (from 35)