
Assess and evaluate packagings made of mono material - From the application to the film construction - From film structure to application

Duration: 2:00h
Online, english

Cost: 139,00€
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Description: Mono-materials are the trend in film packaging today. What are the reasons for this trend? We look at the materials available for packaging made from mono-materials which are typically used for food ... [Show more]packaging.
The focus is on polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) as well as copolymers of polyolefins such as EVOH.
We show which pitfalls have to be considered with mono-materials and which systems are already implemented on the market today, thus providing orientation for manufacturers of film packaging as well as for buyers and brand-owners.
We pay particular attention to processability in the manufacturing process, but also in packing and application.
Target group: Anyone who buys, lays out or manufactures films for (food) packaging and wants to evaluate them from mono-materials for better recyclability.
Level: Level 2 - Previous knowledge is helpful, but not required
Further information: duration: 2:00h
One video
One download
Event code: MOaE-03-24
Event Manager
Eva Kettelmann
+49 5405 80767-27
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