
Blown film extrusion compact, part 1 - Process and material determine the film properties

Duration: 2:00h
Online, english

Cost: 139,00€
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Description: The blown film extrusion process probably plays the most important role in the production of packaging films. It is often the process of choice for polyethylene in particular. Film properties can be s... [Show more]ignificantly influenced in this process. In this web seminar, you will learn how PE-LD, PE-LLD and PE-HD, as well as metallocene PE's - and the subgroup of plastomers - behave in the blown film process and what properties they develop. The range of properties of the materials and the influence of the process on the films will also be discussed.
This web seminar is particularly suitable for business people, career changers and purchasers who want to discuss at eye level.
Target group: Employees from production, development, technology, design, QA, technical purchasing and sales
Level: Level 2 - Previous knowledge is helpful, but not required
Further information: duration: 2:00h
One video
One download
Event code: EXbE-05-24
Event Manager
Eva Kettelmann
+49 5405 80767-27
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