
Basic knowledge 3: Packaging: the final stage - packing

Thursday, 3. January 2030 - Start 9:00, Duration: 2:13h

Cost: 499,00€
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Description: Starting with the materials and fundamentals of welding, the fundamentals of barrier and MAP packaging are laid down.
A brief overview of printing is a useful complement to the area of packaging... [Show more] as a kind of excursus.
Subsequently, the filling processes are explained in principle and terms of the form-fill-seal system (FFS) with its variants h-FFS, V-FFS or T-FFS are discussed.
General parts on the areas:
- Specification
- testing
- food law
round off this course.
Graduates get a good overview of what to know about packaging films - before packing in practice - through the videos and presentations.
Target group: Anyone who wants a quick, detailed overview of film packaging.
Level: Level 1 - no previous knowledge required
Further information: duration: 2:13h
10 videos
Event code: APv
Event price: 499,00€ net (plus 94,81€ VAT)
included in the price: Participation certificate and event documents are included. For events on site, food and drinks are also included during the event. All prices plus VAT, travel and accommodation costs.
Event Manager
Kerstin Schröder-Welge
+49 5405 80767-20
Send email


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