
Paper-based flexible packaging

Friday, 8. December 2023 - Start 13:30, Duration: 1:15h
Online, english

Free participation
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Description: Flexpack with paper is booming. The reasons are manifold. Marketers often praise sustainability. But in practice, paper packaging is often more complicated as plastic. We discuss the advantages and ch... [Show more]allenges of using paper as the main ingredient for food packaging. The topic of disposal and sustainability in terms of environmental protection is also discussed.
Target group: Anyone involved in flexible paper packaging is welcome to attend.
Level: Level 1 - no previous knowledge required
Further information: duration: 1:15h
Event code: INE-12-23

Friday, 8. December 2023, 13:30 - 14:45 o'clock
Exhibitor: Meet these companies in the exhibition:
Companies: These companies will participate:
Event Manager
Kerstin Schröder-Welge
+49 5405 80767-20
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