
Folienetiketten und Etikettenfolien – Systeme und Anwendungen

Thursday, 8. / Friday, 9. December 2005 - Start 0:00, Duration: 0:00h (within 2 days)
2-day event

Cost: 1.390,00€
Register now

Target group: Entscheider aus Verpackungsherstellung, Druckereien und Abpackern/Food-Industrie, Produktion, Entwicklung, Einkauf, Vertrieb, Entwicklung sowie Key-Accountmanager.
Level: Level 2 - Previous knowledge is helpful, but not required
Event code: EF-12-05
Time and place:

Thursday, 8. December 2005


Eve event:

Wednesday, 7. December 2005, in the evening

The eve event will take place in the event hotel.

Further information will be announced in time.
Companies: These companies will participate: