List of speakers for food packaging

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Julian Thielen
Interzero Recycling Alliance GmbH (Projektmanager Business Development )
+49 2203 91471751 /
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Verwertungsoptionen für Barriere-Verbundfolien
Extent: 12 pages
congress: SP-03-20
Size: 1.11 mB
Language: german
Für ein hochwertiges Recycling von Kunststoffen sind so genannte Monoverpackungen oder Monoverbunde eine Grundvoraussetzung geworden, und so denken Verpackungsentwickler heute in der Entwicklung bereits an die optimale Verwertung. Weitere Verpackungsfunktionen können hier allerdings im Zielkonflikt stehen, so dass speziell Folienverpackungen optimal an die Bedürfnisse des Produktes angepasst werden müssen. Wie dieser Spagat gelingt, was die Herausforderungen für Unternehmen und wo die Grenzen sind, wird in diesem Vortrag herausgestellt.
Stand-up pouches as raw material
Download: Standbeutel als Rohstoff
Extent: 22 pages
congress: PC-09-18
Size: 812.77 kB
Language: german
Sorting processes as well as recycling technologies make more and more technical progress. To be able to comply with the recycling rates demanded by the new packaging law, a packaging design for recyclability is however required. The developed and validated assessment method of the Bifa Environmental Institute reveals potentials for improvement for consumer packagings and makes recyclability measurable. Especially stand-up pouches are at a crossroads and require therefore the use of plasma technologies and film substitutions.
Stand-up pouches as raw material
Download: Standbeutel als Rohstoff
Extent: 21 pages
congress: PC-09-18
Size: 779.29 kB
Language: english
Sorting processes as well as recycling technologies make more and more technical progress. To be able to comply with the recycling rates demanded by the new packaging law, a packaging design for recyclability is however required. The developed and validated assessment method of the Bifa Environmental Institute reveals potentials for improvement for consumer packagings and makes recyclability measurable. Especially stand-up pouches are at a crossroads and require therefore the use of plasma technologies and film substitutions.