
Sustainability and brand - recycling and its relevance for brand

Friday, 18. March 2022 - Start 13:30, Duration: 2:25h
Online, german

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Description: Everyone is talking about recyclable packaging. But how is film packaging to be turned back into film packaging? And who wants the "second-hand polymers" with all their peculiarities such as gels, col... [Show more]or, special haptics and limited design capability in printing and branding? Or is a whole new field just opening up?
Starting from the brand owner's view of the problem, we also take a small look at ink technology and the level of detail needed to make Flexpack more recyclable. The brand must become sustainable, many say. But is that true and is it possible?
Or hasn't a sustainability strategy long since become a natural part of the company, like creditworthiness or a guarantee of quality?
What are ink manufacturers, designers and recyclers doing to make a contribution in this gigantic upheaval? What is the role of cooperation in the supply chain and what is the real role of technology innovation? Isn't the rethinking of retailers and brand owners the driving force that makes change possible?
Or does politics have to be decisive and set stricter standards? Let's think "out of the box" from a brand and supplier perspective. Is there an innovation push or pull? And what will interim targets look like?
Target group: Managers, developers, technically interested people, but especially decision makers along the Flexpack value chain.
Level: Level 3 - Previous knowledge is useful
Further information: duration: 2:25h
Event code: INT-03-22

Friday, 18. March 2022, 13:30 - 15:55 o'clock
Companies: These companies will participate:
Event Manager
Kerstin Schröder-Welge
+49 5405 80767-20
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