
Circular economy in flexpack

Friday, 1. October 2021 - Start 13:30, Duration: 2:25h
Online, english

Free participation
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Description: The circular economy is not only a mega-trend in the packaging industry. In Europe, forces from many different industries are currently being bundled. Prompted by governments' sustainability efforts, ... [Show more]associations are campaigning for genuine circular concepts, as are retailers and brand owners. We will discuss the European differences and possible solutions for the flexpack industry as well as your suppliers and customers.
Target group: Decision-makers along the flexpack supply chain and anyone who wants to find out more about flexible packaging
Level: Level 3 - Previous knowledge is useful
Further information: duration: 2:25h
Event code: INE-10-21w

Friday, 1. October 2021, 13:30 - 15:55 o'clock
Companies: These companies will participate:
Event Manager
Kerstin Schröder-Welge
+49 5405 80767-20
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