
Certification for the traceability of post-consumer recyclates - an overview

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2025 - Start 10:00, Dauer: 2:00h
Online, Englisch

Kosten: 165,00€
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Beschreibung: The standards and certificates for recyclates and recyclability are constantly increasing. But for whom is the Blue Angel good and for whom, for example, EuCertPlast? What role does the Central Packag... [Mehr anzeigen]ing Register Agency play and what does all this (not) say about recyclability?
We give a compact, practical overview of European and German standards and evaluate them. After the web seminar, you will know the essential certifiers, certificates and be able to classify them for your purpose or your customers.
Zielgruppe: Recommended for anyone interested in certified traceability of post consumer recyclates and needing an overview. Suitable for recyclers but also for plastic colouring and packers.
Niveau: Stufe 2 - Vorkenntnisse sind hilfreich, aber nicht Voraussetzung
Weitere Informationen: Dauer: 2:00h
Veranstaltungscode: ZRaE-10-25

Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2025, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Veranstaltungspreis: 165,00€ netto (zzgl. 31,35€ MwSt.)