
Inno-Meeting Europe - Flexpack & Climate Change

Mercure Hotel MOA, Berlin, Englisch
2-tägige Veranstaltung

Kosten: 395,00€
Jetzt Buchen Aussteller werden

Beschreibung: There is a lot of discussion today about avoiding packaging - often very emotionally and sometimes ideologically. The first European Inno-Meeting will show the benefits and side effects of packaging o... [Mehr anzeigen]n the climate.
• Where are the greatest potentials for improvement?
• Does packaging have any direct influence on the climate at all?
• Is the carbon footprint the only parameter for evaluating the climate impact of packaged food and goods?
• What role does the circular economy actually play along the supply chain?
• Is there enough differentiation between climate and environment in today's debate?
• Are paper and biopolymers the coming solutions as packaging material?
Well-known experts and impartial newcomers share their insights to discuss the latest trends, solutions and fundamental issues with you in a network of European retail packaging experts, brand owners and suppliers.Along the supply chain, everyone involved with FMCG will find valuable input, even outside of the box. As with all Inno-Meetings, the focus is on flexible packaging.
Zielgruppe: Decision-makers/managing directors, CTO´s from food and packaging - production, purchasing, sales and development and all flexpack enthusiasts
Niveau: Stufe 3 - Vorkenntnisse sind sinnvoll
Veranstaltungscode: IE-10-22
Zeiten und Ort:

Mercure Hotel MOA
Stephanstraße 41
10559 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 394043-0

Website Routenplaner

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2022, 19:30 Uhr

Tapas Dinner
Snacks, Wine & Beer

Die Vorabendveranstaltung findet im Veranstaltungshotel statt.
Hotelempfehlungen: Mercure Hotel MOA (Tagungshotel)
Stephanstraße 41
10559 Berlin
Zimmerpreis ab 139,00€*
Sie können Hotelübernachtungen während der Anmeldung oder später im „Event2Go-Bereich“ direkt anfragen.
Aussteller: Treffen Sie diese Unternehmen in der Ausstellung:
Unternehmen: Diese Unternehmen sind dabei:
Event Manager
Wilma Igelbrink
+49 5405 80767-25
E-Mail senden


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