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18Jul2018 Speaker’s interview with Julian Thielen about stand-up pouches as raw material

Julian Thielen, born in Düren, lives and works in Cologne. After his studies of Process Engineering Paper and Packaging (B Eng) in Munich and Packaging Engineering (M. Eng) at the Beuth University in Berlin, he has been working in the USA as Business Development Engineer and afterwards as Application Engineer at Bischof + Klein in Lengerich. At the beginning of 2018...

25Jun2018 Stand-up pouches as a new trend

Ecology and economy are the focus of the 6th European Stand-up Pouch Conference organised by Innoform Coaching GbR on 11/12 September, 2018 in Berlin at the Steigenberger Hotel am Kanzleramt in Berlin. More and more new markets and products open up to the stand-up pouches, and more and more brands decide upon them. Since its invention in the 1950s, it...

18Jun2018 11th amendment of Regulation (EU) no. 10/2011 has been published

With the 11th amendment of Regulation (EU) no. 10/2011 two new substances have been added to the list of substances in annex I, and the specific migration limit for two listed substances (perchloric acid, salts (perchlorate) (FCM No 822) and phosphorous acid, mixed 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)phenyl and 4-(1,1-dimethylpropyl)phenyl triesters (FCM substance No 974 and CAS No 939402-02-5) have been amended. Plastic materials...