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24Apr2024 Initially unpopular EU directives promote innovation.

Hallo, I am the new Easy Opening cap - your hero on the beverage carton! The EU did not think of that when they told me to live on the packaging. Stay by my side, I will show you the world of beverages anew! Hey, it is me, the brand new cap that never comes off your beverage packaging. Why...

22Dec2023 Webseminar winter weeks at Innoform

At Innoform, we are offering you a special opportunity to deepen your knowledge of flexible packaging and save money at the same time! For every webinar booking until 1 February 2024, you will receive an exclusive WEBIT voucher worth €34.50. And the best thing about it - no matter how many you book for yourself - this applies to every...

12Dec2023 Innoform and European Rotogravure Association announce innovative partnership

ERA press release Munich/Oldenburg, Germany - December 2023. Innoform GmbH, a recognised provider of flexible packaging testing services, and the European Rotogravure Association (ERA), the leading international organisation for the gravure printing industry, are pleased to announce their new strategic partnership. This cooperation combines the strengths of both organisations to test services and events tailored to the specific needs of...

21Nov2023 New design – proven content

After its first three years on the market, the specialist portal for film extrusion and converting  has relaunched its design and structure in order to be optimally positioned for the future. Not only has the structure been made more reader-friendly, but a new colour scheme has also been developed to make it easier for readers to find their way around...

13Nov2023 BOBST, alongside its industry partners, showcased the future of the packaging industry through comprehensive workflow solutions.

On October 26th, 2023, BOBST, in collaboration with industry partners and brand owners, impressively demonstrated the production of sustainable flexible packaging during an Open House at the BOBST Bielefeld Competence Center. The event highlighted the latest technologies and integrated workflows, with a strong emphasis on BOBST Connect. Sustainable packaging in the manufacturer's focus Manufacturers of flexible packaging face increasing demand...

14Sep2023 Choosing the right packaging material for a greener future  

Example: paper or plastic film    The question of sustainability between film and paper packaging can be quite complex, as it depends on a number of factors, including manufacturing processes, the life of the material and recycling options.   Production effort   Paper packaging: the production of paper is energy intensive and requires the use of large quantities of water.   Plastic film packaging:...

06Jul2023 Barrier films become more recyclable

One thing is clear in Würzburg on 22 and 23 June 2023 - The mega trend in the packaging sector - recyclability - is also and especially affecting barrier films. Based on presentations on food waste and the guiding principle of sustainability itself, it quickly becomes clear - barrier films will continue to drive the flexpack market. The 3 pillars...

28Apr2023 WEBITs for more flexpack knowledge

From May 2023, we at Innoform will also offer our proven voucher offer for web seminars. The name of these web seminar vouchers is WEBIT. Already now companies can choose from 3 packages. The 10, 50 and 150 WEBIT package. One WEBIT corresponds to about 30 minutes of web seminar. We have therefore assigned a webit value to each of...

20Mar2023 Innoform makes Inno-Talk even more interesting for SMEs & - an initiative for more flexpack knowledge www.inno-talkde & - an initiative for more flexpack knowledge After more than 7300 participations in 23 Inno-Talks for almost 1000 companies, the journey continues. Innoform is improving the promotional concept for supporters with additional services such as special mailings, blog posts and podcast recordings, just to name a few.In...

02Mar2023 Innoform offers web seminars in English language

Due to numerous requests, Innoform will also offer selected web seminars in English from April 2023. In the first half of the year, the focus will be on the topics of film packaging basics, production and application. After the video courses and Inno-Talks Europe, this is Innoform's third offer for English-speaking interested parties. Innoform is thus following the internationalisation of...